January 31, 2018

Fan the Flames

Posted in Uncategorized tagged , , , , , , at 7:17 am by Broken & Brave

Because she knew the fire came from within her, she would not be Benedict. Be the Fire.

Fire Starter…

Be a Fire Starter. When you look at people, interact with them, look at them beyond what can be seen with the natural eyes.
In life people will disappoint you, hurt you, fall short of your expectations …but a fire starter sees past all that, never allowing offense, regret or dislike hold them back. A fire starter sees a flicker down deep of possibility that resides inside of everyone. Fan the spark so it becomes a flame. Do it with love, friendship, forgiveness, humility & affection. Respond rather than react.

The Enemy of your soul may desire you to become engulfed with flames, but there is one who is Greater, Grander, Brigter still. He burns hot and burns with a Hope that smolders with Glorious Hope. His Voice is one of Truth and it is right along side you every day to point the way, remind you that it’s ok and He’s got a way paved that with create a glorious marker on eternity. He knows you are a fire starter and the fire He has begun in you will not go out, but will burn for all of eternity.

Fire Starters…


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