December 30, 2020

Nutrition Tips

Posted in health and wellness tagged , , , , , , , , , , at 7:27 am by Broken & Brave

When you realize just how valuable you are, you gain appreciation for the balanced importance of self care. So take care, You!


Use a smaller plate. This will control portion sizes.

Avoid having “treats” or “splurge” foods in the house.

Drink water before a meal.

Choose foods which are similar to what you would normally consume, but substitue a healthier alternative. For example, swap brown rice for white rice.

Identify obstacles or your personal “triggers” that are preventing healthful food choices.


Write down the number of calories consumed to maintain a caloric deficit. You have to be in a deficit to lose weight, even if what you eat is healthy.

Determine calorie consumption targets (what you can eat and still be in deficit). I recommed you track your calories with a food journal-on paper or with an app.

Identify what makes it hard to choose the right foods or to stick to a nutrition plan.

Have a back-up plan. This will help to avoid getting derailed. Avoid keeping foods in the house you know you can’t resist. Instead, have an alternative snack plan. Maybe instead of chips, have carrots. Instead of a bowl of cereal, a bowl of blueberries. You get the idea.

Eat well & Live STRONG! ~Nicole🍽

About Me:

I’ve been studying nutrition since the late 80’s. I help people with their overall wellness by guiding my clients in their dietary habits, exercise for their goals and body type, and rest. Balanced living is essential! A component to my strategy is supplementation with only products I use and believe in. I select from quality, efficacy and ample scientific notations to support each formulation.

If you want to lose weight, gain strength and build a strong immune system as an act of prevention, I am honored to help. Contact me at:

August 14, 2020

Love Lavishes

Posted in Devotional, health and wellness tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , at 6:37 am by Broken & Brave

I feel you

Just love people…

People can be a lot.

A lot of emotions.

A lot of opinions.

A lot of everything, good and not so good.

I am hyper empathetic. I feel people. Literally. I feel their heart, their passions, their pain, their joy, their tears. I feel even when I don’t want to. I know what I prefer not to know. It’s a lot to absorb, but I need to know. Why? Because . . .

God is such a Lover.

Anyone, like me, who is by far more lover than fighter needs to know how important it is to care for the mind, will and emotions as much as the physical body. We must train it all.

So know today, I feel you. I shower you with blessings and that you might become saturated with a love you’ve never experienced before. Lavished. Because soul health is just as important to your health as physical, mental and emotional health. The love is what will wash away any void or empty you feel inside even when life is full and you feel slight. Love Lavishes. . .


April 5, 2020

Get Fat!

Posted in health and wellness tagged , , , , , , , , , at 10:50 am by Broken & Brave

No one wants to be fat, but what are fats and why does our body actually need it?

Fats are organic molecules. They are comprised of hydrogen joined together into long groupings called hydrocarbons. How these chains combine and interact determines the type of fat they are. A fatty acid is a simple unit of fat.

Types of fats include:

SATURATED (solid or semi solid at room temperature)


•Animal fat

•Tropical oils like coconut oil

UNSATURATED (liquid at room temperature)


•olive oil











But let’s focus on essential fatty acids (Omega 3, 6, and 9).

Fat in the diet has a few major roles:

1. Provides energy.

2. Make and balance hormones .

3. Formation of cell membranes .

4. Forms brain and nervous system .

5. Transports fat-soluble vitamins.

6. Provides a few fatty acids we cannot make on our own.

-Linoleic Acid (omega-6) and Linolenic Acid (omega-3)

Do you take Omega Fatty acids?

Here are some benefits;

🐠supports normal blood flow

🐠helps regulate blood pressure

🐠excellent for neuropathic support (brain food!)

🐠recommended for pregnant & nursing women to prevent birth defects and maximize fetal brain development.

Research shows DHA and EPA will help maximize IQ potential!

I took it with all my babies and they all take it now!

Omega fatty acids also aid in healthy weight management and will assist the bodies ability to reduce cholesterol.

So what are you waiting for? This is a simple way to improve your health and be good to your heart. Having a balance of these essential fatty acids in our diet is critical for overall quality of health. So let’s get some fat! And don’t believe the myth that eating fat will make you fat. It’s all about balance.

Advocare is certified mercury free, which is important. Not all omega supplements are. Try it! Here’s a link so you can read about it. If you order I do receive commission as I am a believer, user and affiliate.

So thank you!💚

Eat well, live strong!


*I am not a doctor and do not make any medical claims in compliance with the FDA.

April 1, 2020

Rest & Digest

Posted in health and wellness tagged , , , , , , , , , at 4:34 pm by Broken & Brave

Rest & Digest

When we have too much norepinephrine in our system we are in “fight or flight” mode. This neurotransmitter inhibits digestion. Our gut needs to be at rest to digest.
In this time of extended stress and uncertainty another way you can boost your immune system is to actively focus on relaxation before eating.

Currently, with this quarantine and the corona virus (COVID-19), we are all a little bit in a state of perpetual flight or fight.

Try not to stress eat

Instead, take some deep breathes before engaging in food. This action of purposeful breathing will help release a variety of neurotransmitters that create a calm and relaxed gut. Rest and digest. This is important. The more relaxed your GI is the more nutrition you will absorb from your food, the more your immune system will be strong and powerful.

Breath slowly.
Take some deep breathes.
Think of something pleasant.
Relax yourself.
Enjoy your meal.

Immune Strong we can beat this Coronavirus.

**Taking probiotics will also help gut biome.

Hope this is helpful! And most of all, remain positive. Your mind is powerful. Teach it to obey you! ~Nicole

(I have a strong background in nutrition and human physiology; BS in Human Development  and practice as a Certified Fitness Trainer and Nutrition Coach)

March 22, 2020

Immune Strong

Posted in health and wellness tagged , , , , , , , at 5:47 pm by Broken & Brave

What is food?

Well, it fuels our body and gives us energy, right? Though this is true, it is so much more! Food is like a source of combative armor we can use to build up our cells, immunity and tissues. Food is chemical bonds that our body break down and creates energy with!

We need vitamins and minerals!

Vitamin C assists with inflammation reduction and healing. Powerful anti oxidant! Right now is the right time to be mega dosing it! We are using AdvoCare C Grams in conjunction with eating plenty of citrus fruits and most of the colorful vegetables.

Right now with this COVID-19 pandemic it is also beneficial to consume Selenium. This is another powerful anti-oxidant. The good news is we don’t need much of it. It can be found in Brazil nuts, whole grains (whole wheat and brown rice mostly), fish and shrimp, sunflower seeds, poultry, red meat and eggs.

Zinc, another immune defense nutrient. Eating beans and legumes, nuts and seeds, seafood, beef, whole grains, most other forms of meat, eggs and mushrooms.

Food is always our first defense for proper nutrition, but supplement can definitely enhance and sometimes supercharge your results. Though I make no medical claims, I highly recommend a core foundation of vitamin supplements right now especially.

In addition to C-Grams we are using AdvoCare V-16, CorePlex multi-vitamin (IDLife has an excellent children’s multivitamin and probiotic), Probiotic Restore, OmegaPlex, Immunoguard.

Many of the nutrients I covered are in these products.

Contact me if you have questions or need assistance with this.

Eat well, be well!


October 24, 2019


Posted in health and wellness, Uncategorized tagged , , , , , , at 6:32 am by Broken & Brave

Atherosclerosis or ‘Hardening of the arteries’ is an inflammatory problem of the vasculature where lipids are oxidized in the vascular wall. This leads to loss of function, potential occlusion of the artery or plaque rupture & thrombosis.
High cholesterol diets can promote these events. In this study a STATIN was compared to the red carotenoid, astaxanthin, as well as lycopene. Astaxanthin was very effective, in limiting the inflammation, as well as vascular damage and lowered lipid levels in the blood.
Dietary intake is limited for astaxanthin: it is normally found in salmon but at low levels. So here is a classic case for dietary supplementation to take advantage of the remarkable benefits.” 
Dr. Mark Miller 

*no medical or curative claims, just good Science and good nutrition.

Exercise, eating healthy, Whole Foods and drinking plenty of water are key foundations to youthful and vibrant skin that can endure and last. As we age collagen begins to break down…we lose about 1% a year. Yikes! But we can take it all in stride and protect our collagen structure with quality supplementation. Many brands in the market, but I have chosen the recommendation of my friend Dr. Stanley Dudrick. Dr. Dudrick is recognized as one of the top 50 most influential physicians in American history. Dr. Dudrick invented TPN (intravenous nutrition), life flight and has researched collagen for many years. According to him, our entire body has a collagen skeleton. We often think of our skin for collagen, but all of you is collagen! So what better way to protect it than by practicing the basics and adding a quality supplement.

My choice, Dr. Dudrick’s choice, is Glow from AdvoCare. Click the link and check it out! Let me know how you like it!


**I am compensated for any sales made from this link and I am a believer in this product!**

August 28, 2019

Health & Wellness

Posted in health and wellness tagged , , , , at 9:34 pm by Broken & Brave

Benefits of Supplementing with BCAA’s

Supplementing with Branch Chain Amino Acids (BCAA’s) has shown 5 strong benefits.

1. Increases testosterone and reduces cortisol. This creates a quality hormonal environment.

2. Inhibitor of Catabolism. Catabolism is “breaking down”, in this case, prevents the breaking down of muscle. Research shows we cannibalize a certain amount of muscle tissue during exercise. BCAA’s work like shrink wrap on your muscle inhibiting this process and telling the body to utilize body fat for energy.

3. Reduces fat and stimulates muscle growth. BCAA’s basically take energy from fat instead of muscles (mentioned in 2).

4. BCAA’s decrease muscle damage or Inflammation caused by high intensity training.

5. BCAA’s are beneficial for the enhancement and growth of muscle.

You may not be looking to build lots of muscle, but even ladies need muscle tone. Quality muscle tone will burn more calories (which also means you can consume more calories without a calorie surplus), and it will give you a lean and sculpted look. 

Ive been using the ID Life Lean, BCAA’s and it has enhanced my fat burning! I am loving it!

Supplements are not a substitute for quality calories/nutrition. However, they can give a critical edge to reaching your health, wellness and fitness goals. Eat well, live strong. ~Nicole

(Should you order any Lean I will be compensated a commission.)

May 31, 2019

Graced to be Great

Posted in health and wellness tagged , , , , , , at 8:24 am by Broken & Brave

We live in such a superficial society.

Appearance is everything and vanity is it’s chief council.

There are countless strategies available to make us look and feel great. Everything from head to toe–you’re covered if you’re willing to spend the time, money and energy to consume what society is selling.

Sustenance is an interesting thing.

I have noticed over many years of my recent life that the more affluent circles of our nations population base are overall more physically fit with healthy weight management. There are exceptions to this, of course, but overall this population of people looks pretty darn good. Most likely this is because they can afford it. Healthy foods cost more than packaged and processed foods. Gym memberships and personal trainers or high end, small, semi-private group training/classes are the trend. The higher end society is looking for something customized to the detail and complete and they are willing to pay money for it.

I think the more affluent community understands that–like it or not–your appearance is your business card.

It can take over eighty encounters with a person to change a negative first impression according to a recent study done at Harvard. So how you look, how you present yourself and how you treat/handle others plays a large roll in how successful you will be at pretty much everything.

I am a health advocate.

An advocate is an ardent defender of people and purpose. It is the purpose God placed inside me to use health and fitness as my ministry.

I’m focused not only on improving strength, flexibility, overall health and vitality, but I’m all about equipping others for victorious living.

I’m all about disease prevention and holistic natural applications of sustenance, rest and movement all packaged in each individual unit.

•I’m about casting vision for the woman who wants to hang with her kids at Disney well in her elder years without needing to sit down a lot or rent a wheel chair just to enjoy the family fun.

•I’m about not being on a myriad of prescribed meds that has people so frightened to even take a multivitamin because it might interfere with their drugs.

• I’m definitely about empowering females to believe in themselves and create a deeper awareness of how wonderful their form is and what strength they possess (physically, spiritual, mentally) and how to harness it.

Relationships of a mentoring nature can be difficult. There is the temptation to personalize and take ownership of the results, successes or failures of other people. But it is not our personal responsibility to fix the world. I can guide, love, protect and direct–but ultimately it’s their life and they are free to make whatever choices they desire, even poor ones.

As the mentor we understand that at the end of the day we leave everyone and everything at the base of the Cross. We did our part and that is all we can do. Then you just pray that the time and energy and sacrifice you put into them will stick and something good will flourish from it.

It could be easy to rehash all the sacrifice and time you’ve invested. The temptation is to feel a sense of disloyalty or lack of gratitude. But that’s not necessarily true, so don’t swallow that bait.

These practical truths I’m sharing with you apply to all of life.

We are all leading someone, somewhere by our conduct, life and example. We are living breathing sustenance to someone else’s soul.

I am fortunate in all my career I’ve only ever encountered one person who I detected may have an eating disorder. In this case, it was anorexia/bolemia. I know the clues to look for, but that was years ago (totally different story from the one I just described). But when I look around society I see many, many in every age group, race and economic category who suffer from a sort of spiritual eating disorder. A Spiritual Anorexia. They are starving to death because they don’t eat the right things. I’m not talking about food, I’m talking about thought patterns, focuses and methods to comfort their own pain. Soul Sustenance. I see people also who see the Truth, whether it is about themselves, God or others, but they refuse to eat it.

Anorexia is ultimately a spirit. It goes after the mind and influences the decisions of the individual causing them to believe skipping meals is somehow the answer to their problems or the solution for controlling their world. Spiritual Anorexia functions the same way. Distorted truth and a reflection of self, others and the world around is skewed. I imagine there are many people who suffer from both, spiritual anorexia and the physical manifestation of the disease. After all, if it is a spirit, it’s going to do as much damage to the whole of a person as it can once its invited inside. Satan’s objective is to steal, kill and destroy.

We are all mentoring others each and every day. What you say and do carries tremendous value and when you know this and take it serious–understanding the big picture of your life’s objective, then you can make a positive impact that will last.

Consider yourself a seed carrier. You are scattering it everywhere. Some seeds will do nothing, find no home to imbed themselves in. Others will find fertile soil of heart with just the right conditions to flourish and grow, while others will only grow so much then stop. This is not up to us to decide who will do what. All we can do is love, avoid personal feelings of hurt, and carry on knowing you’ve done your part and others may enjoy a higher quality of life because of the mark you made upon their heart.

Leadership does not come without great personal sacrifice.

Feed your body the right stuff so it will last.

Feed your heart and mind the right stuff so you will surpass any form of greatness you’ve experienced in the past.

Feed your soul Truth, Love and the Inspired Word of God. It is Pure and Good Sustenance from Above.

And never forget…

Take Joy in the Journey…

You have been sustained by Grace to be Great.


“So whether you eat or drink or whatever you do, do it all for the glory of God.

1 Cor. 10:31

Prayer of Health & Healing:

Thank you, Lord, for the heavy price and sacrifice you paid as a ransom for my mind, body and soul.

It is you I adore.

I show my adoration to you by caring for my body, my spirit, my life.

I understand that I am not my own. (1 Corinthians 6:19-20)

I trust you to remind me and equip me to overcome with my eating, rest and exercise. I will not overindulge and I will make wise choices. I will not neglect to exercise my frame.

I know I will enjoy good health as you have promised (3 John 1:2)

Whatever I do I will honor you with everything I eat or drink. Remind me of this when I am tempted to dishonor you with my nutrition.

(1 Corinthians 10:31)

I will do all of this with a cheerful heart (Proverbs 17:22)

because your love is like medicine to me.

In all things I will be equipped and my arms strong for my tasks.

I will have no lack of energy or enthusiasm for healthy living.

I will be consistent, disciplined and fervent. (Proverbs 31:17)

I will enjoy the fruit of obedience and faithfulness as you guide with healing and rest.

I am secure and prosperous in all things.

(Jeremiah 33:6)

I will walk obediently in all you ask me to do and I receive my full inheritance, my full blessing of health and prosperity and protection. Just like Exodus 15:26 promises me.

I am whole.

I am healthy.

I am healed.


January 22, 2019

Eat Your Protein!

Posted in Inspirational, true story tagged , , , , , at 5:19 am by Broken & Brave



The human body is such a complex system of parts working together, functioning as a well organized and synchronized unit-creating, sustaining, and advancing LIFE.


People—be it your parents, your teacher, your coach, nutritionist or something you read somewhere or maybe a well versed in holistic medicine physician—will tell you of the importance associated with eating protein. But why?

Did you know…

The human body is made up entirely of cells. These microscopic powerhouses are enormously smart and control most of what happens in the body. A person with cancer or disease in the body has compromised cells. Cancer strikes at cells like electric shock breaking down and wearing down the integrity of the cell walls. This is called free radical damage. Enough free radical damage and cancer is born.

Our tiny cells require protein to build and sustain life. So necessary is protein to every function as the energy source—that our cells also possess the ability to make protein.

How cool is that?


The Divinely Inspired creation of you is hardwired right down in the smallest components of your DNA. Your cells need to be fed the right stuff to keep recreating YOU every day.

Let’s look at RNA. What’s that? Ribonucleic Acid. mRNA is the tiny messenger that attaches units of information to create new cells and they utilize the assistance of tRNA which carries proteins from within the cell to bind with the mRNA. These highly specialized functions of the cell are so microscopic they must be studied under a microscope. Does this make them less important than external  features of the human body?

No. Quite the opposite really. The external features cannot continue to live without them.

So what is all this simplified talk of human physiology and biochemistry? Deep science fascinated me yet boggles my mind at the same time. The intricate complexity of all that goes on within our blood is astounding and can be very challenging to learn. I learned all of this in college, but because I don’t use this information in my everyday vernacular I get rusty. The information is still in my brain, but because it’s not used regularly, I sometimes forget the details of how to explain it. But even though I go about my day and I’ve been graduated from college for more years than I can believe (because when you’re in school you think you’re never going to finish)…that hasn’t stopped my cells from working for me. They’ve been faithful and true ever since the day I was conceived, working and building and creating life for ME.

There’s an old school camp song called “Power in the Blood”. Isn’t it true? It’s true figuratively as we lean on the saving grace through the shed blood of Christ. But it’s also literally true. And even though you live your life and don’t maybe remember God, or even call on His Name…He still treats you the same. He keeps on quietly working on your behalf working behind the scenes and in the quiet places producing the beauty of your life.

You may not see Him—but He did it all.

Maybe you can’t touch Him—

but He is touching the world around you, carving paths, giving revelation and inspiration and creating your every opportunity. He’s doing it all just like that microscopic RNA delivering the protein you need to live it all.

From the view of Heaven—

We are all quite microscopic.

But God needs no viewfinder or microscope to see you.

He is intimately aware of every thing about you.

His eye watching over you and ensuring your life.

He also created you to be needed. You were created with value.

The ground is level at the Cross.

We all enter the same way.

God has a place for you in His Body. You play a part. There are no small or insignificant roles in His Kingdom. Just as we see the critical importance RNA plays in cell life and replication to sustain life, so you too are needed to sustain His Body and His Kingdom.

Never forget how valuable and valued you are.

Don’t become rusty in the things and knowledge and love of God.

He is the Besotted of Heaven, full of mystery and chemistry and He stirs the heart with the Power of the Blood.

He gave it all up for the power of Love.



For you formed my inward parts; you knitted me together in my mother’s womb. I praise you, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made. Wonderful are your works; my soul knows it very well. My frame was not hidden from you, when I was being made in secret, intricately woven in the depths of the earth. Your eyes saw my unformed substance; in your book were written, every one of them, the days that were formed for me, when as yet there was none of them.” Psalm 139:13-16


“For the life of a creature is in the blood, and I have given it to you to make atonement for yourselves on the altar; it is the blood that makes atonement for one’s life.”

Lev. 17:11

November 30, 2018

Properly Fed

Posted in Uncategorized tagged , , , , at 7:49 am by Broken & Brave


There are so many fads and trends with fitness and nutrition. If you study their history you realize that nothing is truly new. Every fitness and eating plan recirculates and comes back “in style” or “trending” under a different name. What used to be the rage, the Atkins Diet, is now back, but relabeled for what it really is “Keto Diet”. Both diets nothing more than extreme carb restriction or elimination in order to put physiology in a state of ketosis.

Pilates was all the rage a few years back, but was just another blast form the past. Kettlebell training can found all around and you can see people doing an entire workout with the use of kettlebells only. But kettlebells were really the early generation dumbbell as it was easiest to mold the iron in one solid shape. Nothing new.

So many choices for fitness and nutrition a person can become excessively bogged down with choices. Choices can be an immense blessing or they can be your great curse. Which diet is best for you? How many calories do I need anyway? Am I drinking TOO much water (yes that is possible)? Do I eat bread or not? Wheat? Do I need to be gluten free? Do people really have a rise in celiacs disease or is it just a trending diagnosis? Is it trendy to be gluten free?

Every person with proper education and assessment can truly simplify it and find your groove with a meal plan and fitness plan that’s right for you. In my opinion it’s all quite simple.

✅Eat Whole Foods.
✅Consume lean meats (not bashing vegetarians or vegans, but specific nutrients are only found in meat).
✅Lots of veggies and fresh fries don’t count.

Years ago a research study discovered that most children ate next to no vegetables and the only exception was a potato in the form of a french fry. In all of our convenience our health has become extraordinarily compromised. No longer are our children expected to live a longer life than their parents. The mortality predictions for the up and coming generations are not too fabulous.

So what can we do?

✅Start small.
✅Begin adding vegetables.
✅Slowly begin to reduce amounts of sugar in your diet.
✅Begin reducing and eliminating processed foods.

And don’t forget your spirit.
Soul strength is the most important strength.

Feast on Living Water and the Bread of Life. Neither of these will cause disease. The only discomfort will be the challenge of heart to live up to your God given potential.

You’ve got potential.
Don’t let the Devil trick you into believing He can’t sabotage your destiny with poor nutrition choices and lack of activity. He will subtly work to subtract years off of your life, make you miserable (huge correlation between sugar consumption and depression), and eventually bring sickness and disease into your body making you completely in effective to fulfill your Life’s Calling.

Your health and wellness will be specific to you. The Spirit will guide your choices because He knows your specific genetic makeup. He knows your areas of health weakness and strength. He knows your very gaps of nutrition. For me, it was simple sugars in the form of breads and cereals. These may be alright for you. But I distinctly recall standing in my kitchen eating a bowl of Grape Nuts cereal and I heard the Holy Spirit loud and clear, “What I have for you is better than what that bowl of cereal has to offer.” He had already been working on me to stop eating cereals and certain breads (not all breads…I consume sprouted grain breads and an occasional bite or two of something else). So these words pierced my heart so deep I tossed out the remainder of the bowl and never looked back.

For you it may be something else he wants you to sacrifice. It’s ultimately about surrender and sacrificial obedience. There’s blessing in it.

You are so valuable to the Kingdom.
You are loved.
You are appreciated.
You have a mantle creating your shoulders like none other.
Heaven looks upon you and the Heart of Heaven peddles faster.

Honor your Lord and Master.
Honor your Body.
Honor Him with your time in every arena of your life.
This is like a continual profession of worship.
We need you here a long, long time.♥️

I believe in you…


Jesus answered, “It is written: ‘Man shall not live on bread alone, but on every word that comes from the mouth of God.’
Matthew 4:4

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